It would surprise few to know some friends thought of this while sitting in a garage, drinking vodka. One major thing we had in common (aside from an evident love of vodka) was our experience in small family businesses. While our credentials weren’t as fancy as others, we had hands on experience to share.

      As we began making plans to bring our dream to life, we quickly realized that while we were experts in drinking vodka, we truly didn’t know a thing about making or selling it. After countless hours of research and experimentation in the garage where it all began, we finally started to get somewhere.

      Things started slowly, with more than a few bumps in the road. Nevertheless through dedication, research, and product perfection, White Rhino Vodka was born.


      White Rhino Vodka Won Silver at the 2019 San Diego Spirits Festival

      we’ll drink to that

      Find White Rhino Vodka Near You

      Available at select retail, restaurant and bar locations.